Developing effective High Performance Teams is the secret to boosting productivity and meeting customer demands
in a highly competitive market. This high energy dynamic presentation unlocks the secrets of
how your team and move forward and perform at optimum levels . Its purpose to inspire change
and a winning mind set.
On-Site Training: can be tailored to the needs of client organization and delivered on-site
at time and location of client choice.
Seminar Objectives:
Participants in the Team Building training seminar will learn:
Understand behavioural styles and how they affect team dynamics and
Examine and improve the planning process, decision-making, risk-taking,
problem-solving, and communication strategies in their team.
Improve the team & interpersonal communication skills.
Understand how positive teamwork results from effective team players
Use teamwork as a management strategy to reach business objectives
Apply a model for team effectiveness that continues to assess how well
the team accomplishes goals and objectives.
Develop a culture within the group that encourages teamwork even in a
competitive organizational culture.